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Total time: 237.51 hours

Toggle_check Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-30Florian LierDesignFeature #316: Prevent Jenkins from Checking out any SCM more than onceYes...0.30
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-09-21Florian LierDesignFeature #184: Include FlobiSim?Yes we should do that0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-09-29Florian LierDesignFeature #287: Read branches out of git to reduce versioning efford.I believe the build gen already does that...0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-08Florian LierDesignBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageThis would be an option...0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-11Florian LierDesignBug #269: HUMAVIPS virtual site layout degraded since new main layoutlink color may be changed in the humavips template css0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-09-18Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #185: Create Command Line Tool for Accessing CITk CatalogueAlmost finished20.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-09Florian LierDevelopmentBug #305: XML, RDF, JSON Export in Catalog is brokenSpent time update10.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-11Johannes WienkeDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ package7.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-06Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #361: Check Existing Systems/Experiments for reproducibility and report issues6.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-26Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog6.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-22Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog5.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-09Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #302: Prevent users from creating "revisions" of conent in the catalogDone2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-17Florian LierDevelopmentBug #309: Blank Ubuntu 12.04 does not feature build-essentials | corrected jre-to-jdk packageFixed2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-30Florian LierDevelopmentFeature #316: Prevent Jenkins from Checking out any SCM more than onceThis seemed promising, but isn't...2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-11-26Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelFixed2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-07Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #361: Check Existing Systems/Experiments for reproducibility and report issues2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-22Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-08Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #303: Check ALL content types for revisionsAll checked1.50
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-03Florian LierDevelopmentBug #222: Distribution files are not valid JSONFilter files before encoding them in python1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageDone1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-05Florian LierDevelopmentBug #265: ci.toolkit does NOT contain a oncilla-sim-02 *flow* job...1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-05Florian LierDevelopmentBug #265: ci.toolkit does NOT contain a oncilla-sim-02 *flow* jobNo...1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-07Florian LierDevelopmentBug #265: ci.toolkit does NOT contain a oncilla-sim-02 *flow* job1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-07Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #248: Add rsbag-cl and its deps to oncilla-sim distro1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-01Florian LierDevelopmentBug #295: rest client must returned stripped stringsFixed due to https://projects.cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de/issues/40531.00

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