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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
438GazeTK FeatureNewNormalProtobuffer integrationThies Pfeiffer2015-12-09 17:35
437GazeTK FeatureNewNormalWrite a basic Tobii eye tracking workflow2015-12-09 17:31
436GazeTK FeatureNewNormalWrite basic tobii eye tracking pluginSai Anirudh Kondaveeti2015-12-09 17:31
435IPAACAFeatureNewNormalExpose whether an ADDED event is caused through resending2016-02-16 14:30
426Cognitive Interaction ToolkitTaskNewNormalMultiple build jobs per componentFlorian Lier2015-10-14 17:32
419Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalCITK Json Schema validation2015-08-28 16:44
414Cognitive Interaction ToolkitBugIn ProgressNormalNaming consistency2015-08-24 21:12
410Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalAdd comment field to tests2015-03-27 12:30
409Finite State Machine Based TestingBugNewUrgentImplement non-children killing process end strategyFlorian Lier2015-09-22 10:31
408IPAACABugNewNormalDelay/framedropping in AsapRealizer rendering when closing the injector2015-03-26 16:52
407Finite State Machine Based TestingBugNewNormalParallel component hangs and produces no outputFlorian Lier2015-03-26 11:39
406IPAACAFeatureNewNormaladd time stamps to IUs/messages2016-02-16 14:31
404IPAACAFeatureNewLowJSON schema support2015-03-26 10:42
403IPAACAFeatureIn ProgressHighJSON payload support for ipaaca-javaMatthias Priesters2016-02-16 14:48
392Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalDelay after killFlorian Lier2015-03-13 10:04
391Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalTimeout stdout observerFlorian Lier2015-03-13 10:04
390Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalClean-up step if system failsFlorian Lier2015-03-13 10:04
389Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalEasy - ModeFlorian Lier2015-03-13 10:04
387Finite State Machine Based TestingBugNewNormalfsmt_iniparser crashes if command line contains the & signFlorian Lier2015-03-13 10:04
349Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalBuild toolkit nightly cmake jobs with VERBOSE=12015-09-01 15:06
339meta-openrobotixBugNewHighCheck debricated opencv.pcTimo Korthals2014-11-23 15:50
298Cognitive Interaction ToolkitBugFeedbackNormalRSB nightly distribution fails due to XMLTIO Project that is only available with authentificationFlorian Lier2015-08-26 09:27
294Finite State Machine Based TestingBugIn ProgressHighComponent names must be unique in order to trigger the correct eventFlorian Lier2014-09-30 18:32
287Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalRead branches out of git to reduce versioning efford.2016-04-08 15:17
283ivToolsBugNewHighivrender colors broken depending on Mesa3D versionJens Peter Lindemann2014-07-10 16:07

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