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Total time: 90.49 hours

Toggle_check Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-26Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog6.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-19Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #395: Show system "versions" instead of system in browse systems view1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-19Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #396: Show component "versions" (releases) instead of components in browse components view0.50
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-09Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentBug #397: Make components and versions consistent (add missing fields)1.00

1 2 3 4 (76-79/79) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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