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Toggle_check Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-11-26Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelFixed2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-30Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelFix confirmed0.40
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-30Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelStop0.40
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-30Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelNo.0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-29Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelI found an ugly hack1.00


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