Feature #337

status output from buildgen

Added by Simon Schulz about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:2014-11-21
Priority:ImmediateDue date:
Assignee:Jan Moringen% Done:


Category:build-generatorSpent time:-
Target version:Toolkit 0.3


please add status outputs to the build generator/job configurator.
While trying to replicate a system at home (slow DSL connection) i can wait >30minutes wihtout any output messages.

It would be really nice to have some outputs to see what is actually going on. E.g. pulling git xy, preparing project x (i out of n) etc

Related issues

Duplicates Cognitive Interaction Toolkit - Feature #214: Add status, or currently processed project as stdout Resolved 2014-03-13


#1 Updated by Jan Moringen about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected


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