Bug #345

job-configurator blocks forever in case of missing/wrong credentials

Added by Norman Köster almost 10 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:2014-11-25
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Jan Moringen% Done:


Category:build-generatorSpent time:-
Target version:Toolkit 0.1



  • Same as in Issue #333


When running the job-configuratior and some repository credentials are wrong/missing, it hangs forever without giving a warning/error.

I know this is a feature to some extend, but this is actually really annoying because in order to find the repo which is causing this, the users will do:

  1. Start the job-configurator
  2. Wait
  3. Realise the job-configurator does not continue - abort
  4. Restart with --debug
  5. Wait
  6. Realise there are 8 jobs in parallel and abort again, as console output will not help here
  7. Restart with --debug -j 1
  8. Wait
  9. Find the repository which is causing this effect - fix and restart the configurator normally
  10. Wait
  11. Realise that there is another repo causing issues
  12. Go to 1. -.-

yeah, there is a lot of waiting involved :/

Fix Proposal

  • Have a max timeout for the repos & show an error for
  • A better overview of the pralell jobs (rsb-logger timeline/scope style would be so nice!)
  • A commandline switch to control this

Thanks <3

Related issues

duplicated by Cognitive Interaction Toolkit - Bug #354: poor / no error feedback of build-generator Closed 2014-12-17


#1 Updated by Jan Moringen about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Should be fixed in master.

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