Bug #400

iniparser output format is wrong

Added by Norman Köster almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:2015-03-25
Priority:LowDue date:
Assignee:Florian Lier% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:0.18


when providing a non existing file, the formatting of the error message is wrong:

[hist: 3298]╺─╸[bg: 0]╺─╸[11:50:41 - 25.03.15] 
»» [nkoester @ syd] [/tmp/postmortemanalysis/] fsmt_iniparser my_experiment.ini -o my_experiment.scxml
Usage: fsmt_iniparser PATH_TO_INI_FILE

fsmt_iniparser: error: The provided INI file at '%s' does not exist!

instead of %s there should be the absolute path to the given ini file:

fsmt_iniparser: error: The provided INI file at '/tmp/postmortemanalysis/my_experiment.ini' does not exist!


#1 Updated by Florian Lier almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version changed from master to 0.18
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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