[0: Preparations]

Please install, setup and calibrate the sceneview software.
You will have to connect the Sceneview USB camera to the PC.

[1: Usage]

Simply run robotreality_scenview with the configfile you aquired during the setup and calibration phase by running:

$> sudo robotreality_scenview myconfig.cfg

If you run it without superuser privilegues it can not set realtime scheduling policy and you might get more latency. However it will run without sudo as well but give you a warning message.

If everything was set up correctly you will see

| robotreality sceneview tool                 |

> initialising...
init done 
opengl support available 
> loading config from 'calib'
> found 1 CUDA GPUs
> setting GL device (fast rendering of GpuMat to screen)...
> starting main loop
> opening cam(0)
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
> running with 30.00 fps
> grabbing first frame
> framesize: 640 x 480
> channels : 3
> rms error by calib is 2.69692
> rms error by calib is 2.87923
> rms error by calib is 2.99417
> entering grab loop
> running with 14.48fps [grab=4.96ms, remap=3.88ms, show=9.37ms]
> running with 5.01fps [grab=11.26ms, remap=6.48ms, show=12.06ms]
> running with 12.00fps [grab=5.85ms, remap=13.58ms, show=1.21ms]
> running with 19.93fps [grab=3.27ms, remap=15.03ms, show=20.26ms]
> running with 30.09fps [grab=3.29ms, remap=3.59ms, show=12.59ms]
> running with 30.07fps [grab=6.12ms, remap=3.73ms, show=13.91ms]
> running with 30.00fps [grab=6.73ms, remap=11.54ms, show=6.10ms]
> running with 30.00fps [grab=3.27ms, remap=3.46ms, show=13.20ms]

It can happen that the first frames are taking a bit longer to capture/process. The framerate should stabilize after ~10s and should be in the range of 30Hz.

Depending on your Opencv installation you might get the error shown above:

VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
> ERROR: set fps failed

As long as you reach the 30fps you can safely ignore this warning. Please note that cheap USB cameras reduce the framerate when running under low light conditions!