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Total time: 237.51 hours

Toggle_check Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-13Florian LierDevelopmentBug #307: Build Generator: Build steps (invoke maven, shell, etc) in Jobs that contain a subfolder are not executed in the right orderThis is not only related to git..0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-17Florian LierDevelopmentBug #309: Blank Ubuntu 12.04 does not feature build-essentials | corrected jre-to-jdk packageWhere..0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-27Florian LierDevelopmentBug #314: Variable filesystem.group/unix is undefined in icub-nightly.distributionThanks0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-27Florian LierDevelopmentBug #314: Variable filesystem.group/unix is undefined in icub-nightly.distributionIs this ...0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-30Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #315: cmake-based recipe with subdir fails to move subdir if contained folder exists on top levelNo.0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-09Florian LierDevelopmentBug #237: Omnirob: cca-tools first time build failure...0.01
RML - RobotMetaLogger2013-03-02Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #145: Documentation additions DRAFTMore deps0.01
RML - RobotMetaLogger2013-03-02Florian LierDevelopmentBug #159: Documentation on the screen probeTo be clear0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageHmmm0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageYes..0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ package0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageyes0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageI have no idea, but ...0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-13Florian LierDevelopmentBug #243: Pin versions in oncilla-sim distro+10.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ package0.00

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