Feature #467

Feature #466: IPAACA v3

v3: Linked IU events / Batch updates on the IU [event] level

Added by Ramin Yaghoubzadeh about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2016-02-16
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Similarly to the batch payload updates introduced in v2, v3 ought to provide a means of coordinating several IU events in a single indivisible transaction.

A possible, and important, use case would be the publication of linked sets of IUs in a single shot.

This will most certainly involve support on the protocol level (note that #462 will entail a new protocol version, anyway).


#1 Updated by Hendrik Buschmeier about 9 years ago

Linked IU events should consist of updates to payload, links or metadata as well as of new IUs being added. My initial proposal for a protobuf-WireSchema for such a 'transaction' is as follows:

message Transaction {

    // Protocol specific fields
    optional string protocol_version = 1 [default = "3.0"];
    optional string auth_token = 2 [default = ""]; 

    repeated IU new_ius = 3;
    repeated IUUpdate updates = 4;
Two open questions:
  • Is an ordering of the individual items in an transaction assumed? If yes, an additional layer of abstraction over TransactionItems might be necessary, e.g.:
    message Transaction {
        // Protocol specific fields
        optional string protocol_version = 1 [default = "3.0"];
        optional string auth_token = 2 [default = ""]; 
        repeated TransactionItem items = 3;
    message TransactionItem {
        optional IU iu = 1; 
        optional IUUpdate update = 2
  • What happens if one of the updates fails?

#2 Updated by Hendrik Buschmeier about 9 years ago

I created a branch ipaaca3-dev (available here) that contains a first proposal for how the protobuf messages for ipaaca3 could look like (see 39a14c1d).

Also available in: Atom PDF