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Total time: 237.51 hours

Toggle_check Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
meta-openrobotix2014-12-22Timo KorthalsDevelopmentSupport #336: protobuf
meta-openrobotix2014-12-22Timo KorthalsDevelopmentFeature #343: Implement LIDAR driver5.00
meta-openrobotix2014-12-22Timo KorthalsDevelopmentFeature #343: Implement LIDAR driver5.00
meta-openrobotix2014-12-22Timo KorthalsDevelopmentFeature #357: AMiRo meets BRIX25.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-19Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #396: Show component "versions" (releases) instead of components in browse components view0.50
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-09-25Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #185: Create Command Line Tool for Accessing CITk CatalogueTeste on Linux & Windows1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-19Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #395: Show system "versions" instead of system in browse systems view1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-09Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentBug #397: Make components and versions consistent (add missing fields)1.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-08Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #303: Check ALL content types for revisionsAll checked1.50
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-07Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #361: Check Existing Systems/Experiments for reproducibility and report issues2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-22Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog2.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-22Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog5.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-06Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #361: Check Existing Systems/Experiments for reproducibility and report issues6.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-01-26Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentTask #363: Understand and Test Docker in order to clone CITK webcatalog6.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-09-18Thorsten SchoddeDevelopmentFeature #185: Create Command Line Tool for Accessing CITk CatalogueAlmost finished20.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-02-10Sebastian WredeDevelopmentBug #350: RSB SCXML Engine missing0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2015-03-13Robert HaschkeDevelopmentTask #386: Add platform dependencies in projects/rsb-vis-tools.project0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-12-17Robert HaschkeDevelopmentBug #355: poor error feedback of scm access checker0.50
OpenKC2011-04-11Matthias SchöpferDevelopmentBug #13: okc will not start: okc_start_server: error: could not create thread: EAGAIN2.00
OpenKC2010-06-17Matthias SchöpferDevelopmentFeature #1: Add Support for Impedance Control Modes8.00
OpenKC2010-07-06Matthias SchöpferDevelopmentFeature #2: Remote Control20.00
OpenKC2010-07-06Matthias SchöpferDevelopmentFeature #1: Add Support for Impedance Control Modes40.00
OpenKC2010-10-18Matthias SchöpferDevelopmentFeature #1: Add Support for Impedance Control Modes60.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2018-06-11Martin WiechmannDevelopmentBug #574: citkat: License search seems brokenfixed.0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2018-01-31Martin WiechmannDevelopmentFeature #553: citkat: hide versions menu for distributions without version attributedone.0.50
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-12Johannes WienkeDevelopmentFeature #240: Build 32Bit and 64Bit version of the jenkins.tar.gz0.40
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-11Johannes WienkeDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ package7.00
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ package0.00
RML - RobotMetaLogger2013-03-02Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #145: Documentation additions DRAFTMore deps0.01
RML - RobotMetaLogger2013-03-02Florian LierDevelopmentBug #159: Documentation on the screen probeTo be clear0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageHmmm0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageYes..0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ package0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageyes0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageI have no idea, but ...0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-08Florian LierDesignBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageThis would be an option...0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-13Florian LierDevelopmentBug #243: Pin versions in oncilla-sim distro+10.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-11Florian LierDesignBug #269: HUMAVIPS virtual site layout degraded since new main layoutlink color may be changed in the humavips template css0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-09Florian LierDevelopmentBug #237: Omnirob: cca-tools first time build failure...0.01
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-09-21Florian LierDesignFeature #184: Include FlobiSim?Yes we should do that0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-03-16Florian LierDevelopmentFeature #217: Jenkins "tie to node" to speed up scm checkoutFound the plugin0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-04-08Florian LierDevelopmentBug #226: Please make the Jenkins installer use a _STATIC_ packageCool0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-09Florian LierDevelopmentBug #237: Omnirob: cca-tools first time build failureThanks ... but how ...0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-09Florian LierDevelopmentBug #237: Omnirob: cca-tools first time build failureSo...0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-05-14Florian LierDevelopmentSupport #246: Does "extra-requires" and "extra-provides" create according jobs?Thanks for clarification0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-20Florian LierDevelopmentBug #272: CITK Tutorials / Installing a DistributionTo be clear...0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-06-20Florian LierDevelopmentBug #273: Invalid SSL chain on toolkit.cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.deThe cert is _NOT_ invalid0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-09-29Florian LierDesignFeature #287: Read branches out of git to reduce versioning efford.I believe the build gen already does that...0.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-09-27Florian LierDevelopmentBug #290: confusing naming scheme in distribution filesThis is related to /issues/288 and issues/2410.10
Cognitive Interaction Toolkit2014-10-01Florian LierDevelopmentBug #295: rest client must returned stripped stringsis this ...0.10

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